The Key Club and UNICEF Club Raised Money for Kids!
Sometime this past month the Key club and the UNICEF club raised $300 for the world’s children. Thanks to the people who donated to the Trick or Treat UNICEF campaign. Children around the world will be incredibly grateful. Here are some questions I asked Mrs. Henrie, UNICEF’s adviser, about the event:
What gave you the idea in the first place?
“When I asked to be the UNICEF club advisor, I researched about UNICEF and read about it online.” -Mrs. Henrie
Who came up with the idea?
“Sallie Peterson said they had done it with the Key Club before and asked if we wanted to do it.” -Mrs. Henrie
Was it a hard thing to do?
“The hardest part was sitting at the table at lunch when not very many donations came in some days.” -Mrs. Henrie
What was the best part?
“Knowing that we raised $300 for children around the world!” -Mrs. Henrie