Day in the life of MC Student Carter Nielsen

I interviewed Carter Nielsen about his life. 

Carter is a Sophomore at Mountain Crest.

He has lived in Wellsville for most of his life. He currently lives in Petersboro. 

Carter has a lot of responsibilities, both at school and at home. 

At school, his favorite class is weightlifting. He also enjoys English and art. 

His least favorite subject is Math.

After school he does track for one and a half hours. Twice a week, he has basketball practice. He is interested in being on the Mountain Crest basketball team. 

Carter does stretches and works out. He practices basketball at home.

His hobbies include playing basketball, running track, and he enjoys playing Call of duty and Apex when he has the free time.

Carter’s favorite sports teams are the LA Lakers and the Denver Broncos. 

When Carter is home, he does his chores and his homework. He babysits his younger brothers and sisters, and helps his Grandpa.

Carter is the oldest in his family. He has three younger brothers, and there younger sisters.

His favorite food is lasagna, and his favorite restaurant is Texas roadhouse.

When school is out for the summer, Carter really likes going to help his uncle in Salt Lake. His uncle is a contractor that builds staircases.