Charly Peck – Student Highlight

Charly Peck, the one and only Homecoming Queen of 2021 is an outgoing, fun, social, and caring girl. She has played lacrosse since fourth grade, loves to try new things, and is very talented in many areas.

Charly gained lots of new friends through Mountain Crest High School and explained, “I was kind of shocked….” She further went on to say, “….when I got the letter that I was even nominated for royalty, I never would’ve expected that.” The moment she found out she was royalty, she was with another Homecoming Royalty attendant, North Erikson, and in all of their joy and laughter it took them a while to go inside to keep the exciting news to themselves until the big Homecoming Game.

She’s very involved in school activities this year and is kind to everyone she meets. She looks up to her mom, Mary Jo, as a wonderful example, and a classic “people person”. She wants to show love and genuine interest in people just as her mom does.

Inspirations in Charly’s life are full of the people that surround her and everyone’s hard work and dedication inspires her to become an even better person in the end.

Graduation is a scary thing, but Charly has big plans for her life to enjoy it as much as she can by going on an LDS mission, and then possibly studying Psychology at Dixie State. Her love for people goes above and beyond and she has a bright future ahead of her.