Talent Wins Games, Teamwork Wins Championships – Back2Back State Champs

Sarah Hales

Team with the State Trophy

Anna Mcbride (12), Emily Chambers (12), Lexi Arnell (12), Brynleigh Ritchie (12)
Brittney Egbert (12)
Brynleigh Ritchie (12) & Rhauli Barrera (12)

The victory of Mountain Crest Girls Soccer was near perfection when they took the 4A 2022-2023 trophy for the second year in a row. Since region games started this season, the girls haven’t had a single goal scored on them. The talent and teamwork the Mustangs have has really brought a strong position in where they stand. These girls had a great finish to their season. 

Taking the state title has brought an overwhelming amount of feelings to each athlete and more individually the seniors. Brittney Egbert, a senior, was in disbelief about taking the state title. “I was in shock. I couldn’t believe that we actually won the state title two times in a row.” This accomplishment for these girls was an honor for them.

Emily Chambers, a senior, says “it feels good taking State our senior year because last year we were underdogs and this year we were the team to beat.” Andie Andrus, a senior, continues “last year we kinda slipped by but this year we just like dominated. Obliteration!”

The girls soccer team has recently acquired a new coach. With this switch comes new changes to the team and overall feel as a player and athlete. “We all love Beus. He’s super supportive, fun and likes to joke around. We also can get a lot of things done.” Addy Sofonia, a junior, said.

She continued, “He can be very serious and sarcastic at the same time but he just makes soccer so fun and continues to make sure we are having fun this year, but at the same time putting in the work and continuing to work hard.”

Valuable player, Bryn Ritchie, is a senior on the girls soccer team. Multiple players look up to her as she puts 110% effort into each practice and game. We are excited to see how far this athlete goes in soccer.

Wrapping up this year was hard for these seniors but they are sure to remember the funny memories by their coach Beus. It all started off when the girls would goof off during practice and end in result with Beus drop kicking a ball and hitting an athlete or when Beus thought the stanky leg was called the “tootsie roll”. 

These girls have proudly accomplished Back to Back State titles and we as a school are so excited to see where they end up. Let’s go Girls Soccer! “Keep your foot on the gas and go get ‘em!”