Movies You Need to See Before 2019


Ballad of Buster Scruggs

Eighth Grade

Eighth Grade is a coming of age movie about Kayla, an eighth-grade girl transitioning into high school during the last few weeks of school. This movie will definitely be nominated for the Oscars. Elsie Fisher, who plays Kayla, won Best Actress in the Utah Film Critics Association ballet.


Vice is the story of Dick Cheney and how he became an influence in American history. Vice was one of the best movies of the year and might not get as many academy award nominations as expected, but Christian Bale (Dick Cheney) should get nominated for best actor.

 The Ballad of Buster Scruggs

The Ballad of Buster Scruggs is not for everyone. It’s a collection of short stories comprised in one movie, such as an old book.  The dialogue and the dark comedy make this film unique. It’s just one of the critically acclaimed movies on Netflix.


BlacKKKlansman is a film about Ron Stallworth, the first black police officer in the Colorado Springs Police Department, and his infiltration and investigation of the Ku Klux Klan. This movie hasn’t gotten a lot of awards-talk, but still, it’s a great film.

Old Man and The Gun

Old Man and The Gun is a great movie. The dialogue, acting, and the fact that it’s based on a true story, make this movie great. The show stars Robert Redford as Forrest Tucker, a 70-year-old bank robber.

Green Book

Based on a true story, Green Book is a film about Dr. Don Shirley (Mahershala Ali), a concert pianist who hires Tony Lip (Vigo Mortensen), a man from the Bronx, to drive him around during his tour in the deep south. Green Book has received a lot of awards consideration; it should be nominated for Best Picture, Best Actor (Vigo Mortensen), and Best Adapted Screenplay.

First Reformed

When I say First Reformed isn’t for everyone, it’s not a joke. The movie is about Reverend Toller (Ethan Hawke) and the complications surrounding a pregnant women who attends his church, First Reformed,  who’s concerned about her husband’s mental health. Ethan Hawke delivers his most impacting role as Reverend Toller and should be nominated for Best Actor. Also, in my opinion, should win.

Death of Stalin

Death of Stalin is a dark-comedy following, well, the death of Joseph Stalin. The movie stars Steve Buscemi, Jeffrey Tambor, and Simon Beale. This movie will make you laugh while asking the question, “Why am I laughing at this?” and then thinking, “I’m a horrible person.” This movie may not receive awards consideration but is one worth watching.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

I haven’t seen this movie, though I’ve been hearing great things. The Utah Film Critics Association picked this movie for Best Picture. The critic score on Rotten Tomatoes is 97%. This movie, as you can guess, is about a new Spider-Man encountering other Spider-Men.