
What is Bereal and why is there a sudden love for it? BeReal was an app made to try and make social media less fake so that we could all seeWhat Is BeReal, and Why Is Everyone Copying It? people being real and true about themselves. BeReal goes off at random times everyday, once it goes off you have two minutes to take a photo of what you are doing in that moment. It takes a photo from your front camera and back camera all at the same time so everyone can see all views of what you are doing. The fact that you only have two minutes to Bereal makes the app less fake compared to so many other social media apps. Apps like Instagram or snap chat can be so draining to go on because of all of the “perfect” people you see but in reality all of those photos are edited and normally not what the people look like on an everyday basis.


BeReal. Your Friends for Real.

If this is the first your hearing of Bereal you may think that is app is pretty useless but to the people that use it, they love it. It gives them a chance to see all of there peers and to stay updated on there everyday life. You also feel more involved with the app because you can react to everyones bereal about how you feel about what they are doing at that time. You can do a thumbs up, shocked face, or you can do a picture of your face right then. You get to see all of the interesting, boring, or even sad parts of everyone’s lives. Most BeReals are just people doing everyday activities but sometimes you get to see some crazy things.

It become a huge trend of tiktok to post your craziest Bereals and everyone’s reaction. This trend showed things like people at funerals, jet skiing, going on rides at Disney land, and so much more. These crazy Bereals are what make the app fun for everyone. You get to see what everyone thinks of your crazy life or you get to be the person that reacts to everyone else’s crazy life. Either way you are involved in a non-fake and just all around fun social media app.