Hors’in Around Improv!

Horsin Around Improv!

Our Hors’in Around Improv Troupe has an amazing group that has made this year a fun one! With rehearsals twice a week (and some of them wish it was more) the troupe feels excited when they get to perform. Nathan Jewkes said “They’re all really weird like me. Like a good kind of weird.” So every day is a new adventure! In improv, troupe members are given a prompt in certain games like “a picnic on the moon” or “getting lost in a corn maze.” They have to perform a scene using their imagination and just make it up as they go! A good improver takes “Being able to think on your feet. Other than that you really don’t have to have anything. It is a plus to be funny but also if you think light on your feet and not thinking too much in depth of anything, it’s easy to get something funny out of you” (Laynee Bunce, Improv Captain). Improv can be challenging at times. Laynee also comments, “As much as I love my troupe, they don’t shut up.” Being the Captain of such an amazing troupe is fun. It takes a lot of work for the actors to come up with things to say, but also for the Captains who have to run it all! 

“Performing for the first time, It was super cool to see the practice like paid off and to hear the audience laugh” (Zoey Jensen). The best feeling is hearing the audience laugh. Performances are once a month and are very family-friendly!